

Saturday, April 4, 2020

COVID-19: Week 2

Sunday night I started running a fever. Coughing. Sore throat. Yikes. Got tested Monday. Spent four days in bed. Test was negative, hallelujah! Stayed in bed another day because I was still feeling so weak. Back at life yesterday, carving and building four-foot foam Easter eggs for our church's drive-thru egg hunt next week. 

I have spent much of this morning looking back over the past three weeks. This season feels different for our family than it does for others, I think. We are not "stuck at home looking for stuff to do." We are trying to figure out how to get all the things done that need to be done in a day. Two work-from-home spouses and four school-from-home kids can make things feel a little overwhelming. 

But today I feel a yearning to slow down. A gentle reminder in my spirit that this is a once-in-a-lifetime season. Like a snow day, but with beautiful weather and no end date in site. 

I know things are scary right now. I'm scared sometimes. The heaviness and fear is palpable in the world and sometimes in my heart. 

But in my little home, there is now an opportunity. For conversations. For creativity. For rest. For connection. 

I have one more "push" week before Easter. But I am determined in my heart that I will not take this time with my children for granted. 

It is a gift birthed out of the world's heartache, and I will not receive it lightly. 

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